You do know your website could do better. You also may or may not know the issues your website has. What you don’t know, though, is what should you do to fix those issues, and how.
Since 2015, I’ve been identifying and fixing conversion killers full time. I delivered revenue and conversion improvements to businesses across Europe, North America and Australia. I’m yet to see a website where I couldn’t move the needle.
Chances are, I know what to do to fix the issues on your website, too. If you want to see those issues go away, you should hire me.
Ways I can help you
- Funnel Triage. I will examine your funnel and provide actionable advice on how to make it convert more people.
- Funnel Treatment. I will continuously work with you (and/or your team) to improve your funnel through research and testing.
- WIP: Funnel Tactics. I’m preparing a curated directory of funnel optimization tactics that you can use for your projects, with or without my help. To be released in the cooming months.
- WIP: The F-word. I’writing a self-help guide for people trying to tame funnel optimization on their own. To be released in the coming months.
My track record
[Pavel] was excellent to work with! He is smart, reliable, dedicated and quick! He responded to any and all of my requests immediately and professionally.
He is very knowledgeable in optimization strategies and analytics. He not only has a great marketing mind but the technical skills and know-now to implement, track and report on tests and conversion metrics.
I’d highly recommend Pavel to anyone looking for a CRO Specialist.– Alexandra Cattoni, Founder @ The Copy Posse
Pavel worked in my company for more than 3 years […] He is amazing managing one big project at a time for a long time, so his main strength as I see it is going very deep into the project and provide real value and results.
– Tony Simonovsky, Founder @ InsightWhale
After working with Pavel for over 3 years I can easily say he is an amazing guy! He worked with my company on CRO for a client and his ability to learn and implement complex tasks blew me away. Not many can keep up with my 20 years experience in CRO, even from the strategic point of view, much less the technical perspective, but Pavel was always willing and able to dive in and learn entirely new technologies and systems.
– Mike Hill, President @ Media Management Association
I’d worked with Pavel for a few years on a project - his knowledge and experience with CRO and details involved in that are second to none. You won’t regret having him as part of your business’s marketing team.
– Nick Pregeant, Founder @ IWSNOLA
[Pavel is] Highly skilled and knowledgeable at CRO as well as general marketing strategies. Such a big asset to our project.
– Toby Dimmitt, Co-founder @ eFactory LLC
Pavel is an excellent freelancer. He really knows his stuff.
– Jason Dwyer, Director @
I had a pleasure to work with Pavel for more than one year. […] I found him to be a dedicated professional who paid close attention to the details in the A/B tests he prepared and launched each week. He also has superior analytical skills […] A strong team player, Pavel often provided support and training to colleagues.
I have no hesitation in recommending Pavel and am confident he will be a valuable asset to your business.
– Tatiana Abramova, COO @ Arena Digital School
I worked with Pavel as a Project Manager on CRO projects. This time still looks to me as smth fantastic and highly effective. Pavel’s audits were full of great and useful insights, which helped our customers to improve their businesses. If you’d like to have the highest Conversion Rate - hire Pavel. He’ll help you.
– Vasilii Emashov, SW Development PM @ EPAM
Pavel was my Team lead at the CRO department […] and I really enjoyed to work with him. He is very competent in the field of A / B testing from analytical, technical and creative sides. I got a lot of knowledge from him because of his ability to easily present information.
In addition, Pavel is an excellent colleague, work with him is easy and efficient.
– Svetlana Boeva, Junior Consultant @ Webalyse
During my career, I've had a chance to work with a lot of different tools, technologies, and people. I'm equally comfortable with both technical and non-technical peers and communicate complex ideas concisely and understandably.

Let me know if you have any questions – I'll be happy to answer those. If you're not a potential customer but still want to reach out – please do! I'm always open to meeting new people and there's always something to learn from one another. Shoot me an email.